Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Drug War is Ending! WSJ

Colombian President Santos Seeks New Path on Drug War

As the Colombian president states, [President Obama's] actions on the federal level (allowing Colorado to bypass federal law) has influenced Colombian policies. Thank God for president Obama.

Wall St. Journal-"How do I explain to a peasant in Colombia that I have to put him in prison for growing marijuana when in Colorado or in Washington state, it's legal to buy the same marijuana?" he said. "The world needs a more effective, fresher, more creative focus to win this war, because until now we haven't won, and the cost has been enormous."-
-Mr. Santos said an Organization of American States report published last year, which said that it was time to seriously discuss legalizing marijuana as a way of reducing drug violence, should be widely discussed so when the United Nations holds a special general assembly meeting on drugs in 2016, "there is a critical mass to really reopen the discussion."-