Wednesday, November 19, 2014





Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Drug War is Ending! WSJ

Colombian President Santos Seeks New Path on Drug War

As the Colombian president states, [President Obama's] actions on the federal level (allowing Colorado to bypass federal law) has influenced Colombian policies. Thank God for president Obama.

Wall St. Journal-"How do I explain to a peasant in Colombia that I have to put him in prison for growing marijuana when in Colorado or in Washington state, it's legal to buy the same marijuana?" he said. "The world needs a more effective, fresher, more creative focus to win this war, because until now we haven't won, and the cost has been enormous."-
-Mr. Santos said an Organization of American States report published last year, which said that it was time to seriously discuss legalizing marijuana as a way of reducing drug violence, should be widely discussed so when the United Nations holds a special general assembly meeting on drugs in 2016, "there is a critical mass to really reopen the discussion."-

Sunday, March 16, 2014

For the good of the General Public

It is crazy to set the standard for legalizing any drug for medical use without consideration of the consequences of NOT legalizing it.

If Dr.s could use Marijuana, Coca and Poppy to treat drug addicts it would eliminate most criminal activity in the US. It would save countless innocent lives of people caught in the crossfire of the senseless Drug War.
These drugs do have other medical uses too, but the best thing about legalizing them (as is the case with tobacco and alcohol) is that it stops the cancer of the black market in drugs from destroying society in countless ways.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Heroin Answers-

It is completely illogical that Dr.s can't treat drug addicts with pure and professionally monitored versions of the drugs (heroin/poppy) that people are addicted to.

We already give people many drugs that are not 'good for you' so to speak, but are the 'best option' for a person with a certain serious illness. A cancer patient takes drugs that harm, but fend off a worse challenge to their health. Likewise a heroin addict is far better off being treated by a Dr. with a safe dosage than getting poorly measured poison off the street.

Most overdose deaths are simply a matter of the user mistaking the purity and strength of the drug they are taking. Most drug crime is committed by addicts stealing to get money for a drug that costs virtually nothing to produce. Both these problems could be easily avoided if  doctors were able to prescribe pharmaceutically pure versions of the drugs used in a controlled manner.

The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) must allow the AMA (American Medical Association) to be in charge of the 'drug issue' by giving doctors access to these drugs for treatment purposes.

If the FDA reschedules coca, poppy and pot and derivatives, so that doctors have access to these drugs for treatment to addicts, then we will save many innocent lives and be able to make quick progress towards deflating the South American and Afghanistan drug empires.

Also, with the present prohibition we are dooming our civilization by empowering Drug Lords like Arab Kings. The Drug War funnels money to the underworld and is the funding mechanism for major terrorism and rogue government leaders.

Our confused policies have been a cancer on all of the Americas for decades. We must change, Philip Seymour Hoffman could be alive today.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Marijuana Obama

Say what you will, but he smoked it, he wrote about it and he legalized it! And the Right says he has no firm principles :)

And too, this issue resonates with Liberals and Rednecks, it's a populist issue with the new Libertarian wing of the Republican Party.

If this man, President Obama had done nothing but this he would be a great president in the eyes of history. And he will undoubtedly do more (after the mid-terms ;)).

President Marijuana, President Obama...

President Marijuana, President Obama...

President Marijuana, President Obama...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Philip Seymour Hoffman Could Have Been Saved

 It is far more likely that Mr. Hoffman died of an accidental overdose than suicide. If it was suicide then the drugs are a moot point, there are many ways to commit suicide without drugs. But assuming it was an accidental overdose, then our society and the Drug Enforcement Agency are far more to blame for blocking Hoffman and countless others from getting the safe legal drug treatment they need. Most overdose deaths are simply a matter of the user mistaking the purity and strength of the drug they are taking. This could be easily avoided if Doctors were able to prescribe pharmaceutically pure versions of the drugs used in a controlled manner.

The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) must allow the AMA (American Medical Association) to be in charge of the 'drug issue' by giving doctors access to these drugs for treatment purposes.

If the FDA reschedules coca, poppy and pot and derivatives, so that doctors have access to these drugs for treatment to addicts, then we will save many innocent lives and be able to make quick progress towards deflating the South American and Afghanistan drug empires.

Also, with the present prohibition we are dooming our civilization by empowering Drug Lords like Arab Kings. The Drug War funnels money to the underworld and is the funding mechanism for major terrorism and rogue government leaders.

Our confused policies have been a cancer on all of the Americas for decades. We must change, Philip Seymour Hoffman could be alive today. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Obama nudges the ball forward on marijuana

In an interview with the New Yorker released on Sunday, President Obama made perhaps the strongest endorsement by any sitting president on relaxed marijuana laws. Pushed by interviewer David Remnick, Obama acknowledged that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol in its effect on consumers. He also noted the obvious racial and economic disparities in enforcement of marijuana laws. “Middle-class kids don’t get locked up for smoking pot, and poor kids do,” he said. “And African-American kids and Latino kids are more likely to be poor and less likely to have the resources and the support to avoid unduly harsh penalties.”
A fully budded marijuana plant ready for trimming is seen at the Botanacare marijuana store ahead of their grand opening on New Year's day in Northglenn, Colorado, in this December 31, 2013 file photo. The District of Columbia will take a step closer toward decriminalizing marijuana on January 15, 2014 with a move that will make smoking a joint in the U.S. capital a violation comparable to a parking ticket. REUTERS/Rick Wilking/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: DRUGS SOCIETY)
A fully budded marijuana plant. (Reuters)
In fact, the president backhandedly came close to endorsing outright legalization of the drug for recreational purposes, by offering a modified endorsement of new laws in Colorado and Washington that do exactly that:
Accordingly, he said of the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington that “it’s important for it to go forward because it’s important for society not to have a situation in which a large portion of people have at one time or another broken the law and only a select few get punished.”
Obama circled back around and noted the new laws in both states could be “a challenge” because of the potential for legalization of other, harder types of drugs. He also noted he has advised his daughters not to smoke marijuana. So it wasn’t an outright endorsement.
But the moment was still significant in several ways. In context of the United States’ long-running and highly problematic war on drugs, it is quite notable to have a president come out and say that marijuana isn’t nearly as harmful as it is often made out to be and to back serious changes in the legal regime governing the drug.
Obama is correct about the racial disparities at work here: The American Civil Liberties Union issued a report last year finding that African Americans are four times as likely as whites to be arrested for marijuana, despite similar rates of use.
The White House’s record is somewhat checkered on this issue. On the one hand, early in Obama’s time in office, his administration stepped up federal crackdowns on marijuana producers sanctioned by state law, a move that was highly criticized by reformers. However, Attorney General Eric Holder recently took steps to relax federal prosecution of marijuana offenses and said the Justice Department won’t challenge new state laws on marijuana. Obama’s comments may reflect a real evolution in his approach to drug policy, and one that may have long-lasting effects.
But there is, of course, also a political angle here. Whether he meant to or not, Obama was positioning himself and his party on the correct side of an issue that many Democrats feel could reap serious political rewards in the coming months and years.
For example, in Florida, strategists on both sides of the gubernatorial race there believe a statewide referendum to legalize some marijuana use could tilt the contest to Democrats. Republicans have filed a legal challenge to keep it off the ballot, because they openly admit it may bring young people and minorities — traditional Democratic voters — to the polls in unusually high numbers. “It’s an issue that the Democrats can use to pump up the youth vote,” Alex Patton, a Republican political consultant told Bloomberg Businessweek. “The politics of it are dangerous for the GOP.”
And Florida isn’t the only place marijuana will be on the ballot this year. At least four other states will put the issue before voters, and people outside those areas are no doubt following the evolving debate closely.
Polls have shown recent spikes in support for legalized marijuana. Gallup found 58 percent of Americans favor legalization, and other surveys show majorities also share Obama’s view that the drug is not physically or mentally harmful. I have no idea if Obama’s remarks were a calculated move, but his party’s prospects this fall seem likely to improve as a result.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Colorado Rocky Mountain High

In a recent NYT* column David Brooks tries to pour bong-water all over the happy people in Colorado and nationwide who are celebrating the melting of the Drug War iceberg that has, not just kept people away from the fun of marijuana use, but has in fact decimated lives and corrupted and practically bankrupted our criminal justice system for almost fifty years!

Brooks really phoned this one in. Legalization is not 'encouragement' Mr. Brooks. Society is not encouraging people to smoke cigarettes are we? Of course not. We keep them legal to avoid a criminal underground from prospering and we use tax revenue to promote 'not smoking cigarettes' and help pay for the sickness caused by their use.

The entire war on drugs and especially marijuana represent the most tragic self-inflicted wound in American history. It has torn the fabric of US society (and all of the Americas for that fact) more than did the 13 years of prohibition and even more than the Civil War, since it has gone on for decades longer (and unlike that cause, the 'bad guys' here were our own government, not to mention that it has re-ignited racial tensions that had begun to be smoothed out.

Worst of all, Brooks doesn't even attempt to justify his pot use as a young adult accompanied by his never fighting to at least stop imprisonment for something he looks back on having done as merely childish. Brooks is one spoiled white writer!